Friday, June 5, 2009

Any hijabis trying to lead a healthier lifestyle?

I've got a very very good site to help you to lose a few pounds or more. But you've got to be disciplined.

I am loving this site and hooked to it. It has a nutrition tracker which shows you how much you should eat daily in order to reach your goal. You will take note of what you've eaten for entire day and put it down on the tracker and you can see how much you consumed so you don't over eat.

There is a fitness tracker where you have to plan your exercise like they recommend cardio 3 times a week and they will give you strength training exercise plan. They will show you how much calories you should burn a day in order to reach your goal.

In all I love this because it's like getting a fitness trainer & fitness program for free =) So I'd recommend you  join it today to a healthier you.


Lina said...

I have yet to join the nutrition tracker from sparkpeople. but I have been following their exercise videos on youtube. They showcased really short and effective routines which you can do in 10 minutes!

Since this post was in June, how is your progress so far?

Cre8tively Hijab said...

Hello Lina,
Yes there is actualli progress for me but we have to be more self disciplined to achieve more :)