Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dato' Siti Nurhaliza's Style

Dato' Siti Nur Haliza, She wears very modestly but people in the public don't adore her hijab style. Well we will hope she will embrace the full thing insyaallah. Well her dresses are to die for though!

I love this look soooooo grand! The designer is Rizman Ruzaini, he have designed for her a lot of times. These photos are from his site. Look here.

Look at the length and the dress, glorious & well made. Well we can wear a nice light blue or ivory shayla under the hood.

She looks pretty in a full hijab doesn't she? Pretty in pink

Can I have this blue dress too?

I LOVE this look BEST. I think I might want to rip the style off for this year's Eid. LOL. Which one do you love?

Photos from:

FayZSpace's (


ladymuslima said...

Salams sis,

I really love your blog, masha Allah.
I’m starting out a hijabi blog / online store my self (from Indonesia), can I link your blog in mine?

Please check out my store, hopefully you’ll find it interesting. I promise I’ll keep on adding new stuff in there :)

Melda :o) said...

Assalamu alaikum sis,

I like the last pic the most but it's a little too figure-hugging for my taste. :O)