Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fashion & Nasheed

Hey everybody!
Assalamualaikum. I am back. My lappy is great. ahaha. Well anyways sorry no tutorial for today BECAUSE my mum deleted the video from the mobile phone I recorded it on! arrgh have to do another one but its ok cos' I'm just glad my lappy is back. No tutorial videos but I do have something to share regarding
fashion & nasheed.

This video came out during this recent ramadhan, I bet many asian viewers have seen it esp. ( Malaysia or Singapore) It is a video of various successful malaysian artist namely Siti Nurhaliza, Waheeda, Misha Omar, Ella and Ezlynn singing nasheed in the malay language which is so beautiful to the ears and the hijab fashion is super cute and stylish. So if you're lucky, I may feature some of their styles in my tutorials. So here is the video .Enjoy ~


RedAnna said...

i wish i cud view the video.. unfortunately nothings pop ups..

Anonymous said...

Well princessanna this is the url:



Anonymous said...

if u r a fan of nasheeds, then u shud def visit my site its like the nasheed world lol!